The tenth ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA 2018) will be held in Warsaw, Poland June 14-17 2018. This will be the first time ETRA will be held in Europe and will introduce several innovations, such as co-located workshops, invited sessions, and a special journal issue based on selected invited papers. Join us in Warsaw to celebrate twenty years in eye tracking research at ETRA!
The ETRA conference series focuses on eye movement research and applications across a wide range of disciplines including computer science, human-computer interaction, visualization, biomedical research, and psychology. The symposium presents research that advances the state-of-the-art across multiple fields, leading to new capabilities in gaze tracking systems, gaze aware applications, gaze based interaction, and eye movement data analysis. We invite papers in all areas of eye tracking research and applications, and welcome submissions from all domains including those not represented in previous ETRA conferences.
ACM ETRA 2018 is co-sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), and the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH).
Papers & Notes
Jan 12, 2018 Authors: Paper Abstracts due
Jan 26, 2018 Authors: Papers & Notes due
Feb 21, 2018 Feedback: Reviews to authors
Mar 4, 2018 Authors: Rebuttals due
Mar 26, 2018 Feedback: Preliminary decisions to authors
Apr 13, 2018 Authors: Camera ready papers due
Apr 23, 2018 Feedback: Final notifications to authors
Demo/Video & Doctoral Symposium (Technical Abstracts)
Apr 2, 2018 Authors: Extended abstracts due
Apr 10, 2018 Feedback to authors
Apr 16, 2018 Authors: Camera ready abstracts due
Apr 23, 2018 Final notifications to authors
Journal Special Issue
Aug 1, 2018 Invitation to special issue to selected papers
Dec 1, 2018 Deadline for submission
Papers and Notes:
Authors are invited to submit original work in the formats of Papers (Up to 8 pages + 2 additional pages for references) and Notes (Up to 4 pages + 2 pages references). A Paper should provide substantial contribution to the field and a Note should provide focused and concise, yet significant contribution while not delving into broad discussion.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process assessing the originality and quality of the work as well as the relevance for eye tracking research and applications. Papers presented at ETRA 2018 will be available in the ACM digital library. Papers and Notes will be presented as oral and/or poster presentations at the conference. At least one author needs to attend the conference. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work for publication in a journal special issue.
ACM ETRA employs a two-phase review process with a rebuttal phase and conditional acceptance. Before the final decision, authors will have the opportunity to respond to reviews. Given the outcome of the review process, authors may be invited to resubmit a revised paper along with a rebuttal. In some cases, papers may be asked to be resubmitted in shortened form.
All papers and notes submissions must be appropriately anonymized to conceal the authors’ identifies and institutions. This means that authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper. Also, please make sure that identifying information does not appear in the document’s meta-data (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ dialog box). Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion. We do expect that authors leave in citations to their previous work, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account by the authors. Nonetheless, please avoid phrases such as “In this paper we build on top of our previous work presented in [reference]…” and, instead, use constructions such as “We extend the work presented in [reference]… “. Observe that you are allowed to extend anyone’s work, and only the first phrase reveals that you are the author of the previous work.
Companion Video: Both papers and notes can be submitted with a companion video. A video submission is not required, but encouraged to help clarify interaction with a gaze-based system, or give a better sense of particular gaze patterns which is not as easy to communicate with static images or textual descriptions. The aim of the video is to supplement the paper; acceptance to the conference will be based on the paper and not on the companion video. A submitted companion video cannot be larger than 100 MB. We recommend using MP4 format with H.264 codec. Most video production systems can encode in this format and most video applications are able to play it. If you use a different codec, you risk that reviewers might not be able to view the video clip and you will need to re-encode the video clip for the conference proceeding disc. As for the paper submission, the companion video needs to be blinded for peer review.
Doctoral Symposium:
ETRA 2018 will offer an ETRA Doctoral Symposium, where doctoral students will get an opportunity to meet other students and experienced researchers for feedback. We invite abstracts from doctoral students who have a defined topic in the area of eye tracking research and applications, and whose work is still in a phase where it can be influenced by the feedback received in the symposium. Participants will be selected based on a 2-page extended abstract describing the thesis work and its current status. Travel assistance through SIGCHI Student Travel Grants is available and/or volunteering work may be offered. Please refer to the long call for submissions for detailed information on the ETRA doctoral symposium.
Demo/video track:
Have a gaze interaction technique to share? Or want to show off how your new eye tracking method works? At ETRA 2018, we will have a demo/video session where researchers give demonstrations of their research or show videos of their work. We encourage new and exciting ideas that may not yet be fully tested. To take part in this session, we request a 2-page extended abstract to be submitted. If authors have a full or short paper accepted, no extended abstract is needed. If submitting a video presentation, the video is required. For demos, space will be provided for a poster display. Please refer to the long call for submissions for detailed information on the ETRA demo/video track.
Tutorials ETRA 2018:
Tutorials were introduced at ETRA 2016. ETRA 2018 will include a number of half-day or full-day tutorials, where experts in the field cover a topic related to eye movement or eye tracking research within the general theme of the conference. To align the topics with the interests of ETRA participants, we now welcome suggestions of both topics and teachers.
Please enter your suggestions through our online form at http://bit.ly/2rplwAU, before October 1, 2017.
(for Papers & Notes and Demo/Video Tracks)
Submissions for Papers, Notes, and Demo/Video tracks will be done online as a PDF file through the Precision Conference system at https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login?society=etra
Submissions open in November 2017.
Your submissions should be prepared following the instructions found at http://www.siggraph.org/learn/instructions-authors
(for Doctoral Symposium)
Abstracts and accompanying documents (see longer call on ETRA website) for the 2018 ETRA Doctoral Symposium should be submitted by email to ETRAdoctoralsymposium@gmail.com
Please use the subject line "ETRA 2018 Doctoral Symposium Submission."
Best Paper Awards
Awards will be made for the best papers in several categories including papers, notes, and video/tool demo.
Program Chairs
Roman Bednarik, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Frederick Shic, Seattle Children’s Research Institute/University of Washington, USA
Video/Demo Chairs
Tanja Blascheck, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Rakshit Kothari, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Reynold Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Hana Vrzakova, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
For more details visit: http://etra.acm.org
Krzysztof Krejtz & Bonita Sharif
(ACM ETRA 2018 General Chairs)
dr Krzysztof Krejtz
Eye Tracking Research Center, Psychology Department,
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Warsaw, Poland