Dear Friends and Colleagues!
We’re happy to announce that the 7th Polish Eye Tracking Conference, organized by Institute of Psychology at NCU in collaboration with the Leiden University and LELO, will take place on September 25-27, 2020, at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. We really count on you, in terms of high quality submissions, your contribution to the open discussion. We will be extremely grateful for passing this invitation to your colleagues who may be interested in participation.
The aim of PKE7 is to bring eye tracking researchers together to present new ideas and state-of-the-art methods of research. The event will be accompanied by workshops aimed to broaden participants experience by hands-on work on real research problems.
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the abstract book will be published by Journal of Eye Movement Research <>
We encourage you to visit the conference website <> or read the full invitation below.
· Roy S. Hessels (postdoctoral researcher at Experimental Psychology, Helmholtz Institute and Developmental Psychology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands): In my research, I use eye-tracking to understand the role eye movements play in social interaction. For this, I use wearable eye trackers, and state-of-the-art dual eye-tracking setups. In addition, I have an interest in eye-tracking methodology, as I believe there is much to be gained to improve eye-tracking measurements in psychological research. If you want to know more, you are more than welcome to send me an email at <>
· Fred Mast (Head of Cognitive Psychology, Perception and Research Methods; Dean Human Sciences Faculty; Ordinarius): I am full professor at the University of Bern where I am directing the newly founded section "Cognitive Psychology, Perception, and Research Methods". My research is concerned with mental imagery, sensorimotor processing, and visual perception, and it is regularly funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (see more information <>).
· Maciej Szkulmowski (Associate Professor of the Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Nicolaus Copernicus University.). Polish physicist; specializes in optics, experimental physics, biophysics and medical physics. In his research, he deals with: ultrafast modulation of light beam aberrations to improve the parameters of imaging systems, interferometric imaging of the entire eyeball with the use of active optical elements, and the development of functional OCT tomography methods for imaging cells and tissues (see more <>).
· Jaana Simola completed her PhD in psychology in 2011 at the University of Helsinki. She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Neuroscience Center at University of Helsinki and as a visiting postdoc at University of Paris VIII, France. Her research concerns brain dynamics during active vision, i.e., how we sample our environment with eye movements and how we process emotional stimuli and task-irrelevant information. She also has a strong interest in fluctuations in spontaneous brain dynamics as well as pupil size and blinking. Jaana uses a wide range of methods including EEG, MEG, fMRI, eye tracking and psychophysics. Currently, she is a fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS).
We invite researchers from the fields of psychology, language sciences, cognitive sciences and computer sciences to present reflection on their research, which would shed light on the abovementioned problems. Topics may include but should not be limited to:
· research on cognitive processes,
· research on language development and education,
· applied linguistics,
· mixed methods integrating qualitative and quantitative data,
· eye tracking research methodology
We invite the following types of submissions:
1. regular talks,
2. posters.
See details: <>
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the abstract book published by Journal of Eye Movement Research <>
Travel Awards
Depending on available funding, we might have a limited number of travel awards for students and PhD candidates without funding, who proposed talks or posters of outstanding quality. More information on that should be posted on the conference website in April/May.
Important dates:
Deadline for submitting sessions to the conference: March 25, 2020
Deadline for submitting abstracts: April 25, 2020
ABSTRACT ASSESSMENT: up to May 25, 2020
Closing of the online registration: August 25, 2020
In case of questions, please contact us: <>
On behalf of
the Local Organizing Committee:
dr Bibianna Bałaj
and the Scientific Committee:
prof. Kenneth Holmqvist
prof. Maria Lewicka
prof. Sambor Grucza
dr Mariska Kret
dr hab. Monika Płużyczka
dr hab. Agnieszka Andrychowicz-Trojanowska