Call for Papers: PETMEI 2012

The following call for papers came through at the ETRA 2012 mailing list:

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call, it has been
posted to several relevant mailing lists. Please redistribute within
your own group or among colleagues, thank you very much!]


PETMEI 2012 – 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking
and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction
September 8, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

in conjunction with the

14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2012)

Recent developments in mobile eye tracking equipment and automated eye movement
analysis point the way toward unobtrusive eye-based human-computer interfaces
that are pervasively usable in everyday life. We call this new paradigm
pervasive eye tracking – continuous eye monitoring and analysis 24/7. The
potential applications for the ability to track and analyse eye movements
anywhere and any time call for new research to further develop and understand
visual behaviour and eye-based interaction in daily life settings.

PETMEI 2012 will focus on pervasive eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile
eye-based interaction and eye-based context-awareness. We provide a forum for
researchers from human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, and eye
tracking to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye
tracking and stationary eye-based interaction. We want to stimulate and explore
the creativity of these communities with respect to the implications, key
research challenges, and new applications for pervasive eye tracking in
ubiquitous computing. The long-term goal is to create a strong interdisciplinary
research community linking these fields together and to establish the workshop
as the premier forum for research on pervasive eye tracking.

Topics of interest cover computational methods, new applications and use cases,
as well as eye tracking technology for pervasive eye tracking and mobile
eye-based interaction. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Computer vision tools for face, eye detection and tracking
* Pattern recognition/machine learning for gaze and eye movement analysis
* Integration of pervasive eye tracking and context-aware computing
* Real-time multi-modality sensor fusion
* Techniques for eye tracking on portable devices
* Methods for long-term gaze and eye movement monitoring and analysis
* Gaze modeling for development of conversational agents
* Evaluation of context-aware systems and interfaces
* User studies on impact of and user experience with pervasive eye tracking
* Visual and non-visual feedback for eye-based interfaces
* Interaction techniques including multimodal approaches
* Analysis and interpretation of attention in HCI
* Dual and group eye tracking

* Pervasive eye-based interaction with public displays, tabletops, and
smart environments
* Eye-based activity and context recognition
* Pervasive healthcare, e.g. mental health monitoring or rehabilitation
* Autism research
* Daily life usability studies and market research
* Mobile attentive user interfaces
* Security and privacy for pervasive eye tracking systems
* Eye tracking in automotive research
* Eye tracking in multimedia research
* Assistive systems, e.g. mobile eye-based text entry
* Mobile eye tracking and interaction for augmented and virtual reality
* Eye-based human-robot and human-agent interaction
* Cognition-aware systems and user interfaces
* Human factors in mobile eye-based interaction
* Eye movement measures in affective computing

* New devices for portable, wearable and ambient eye tracking
* Extension of existing eye trackers for pervasive interaction

Prospective authors should submit notes with a maximum length of four pages or
full papers with a maximum length of six pages. In addition to research papers
we explicitly invite submissions of position papers and papers that describe
preliminary results or work-in-progress. All submissions should be prepared
according to the SIGCHI archival format (double column, PDF).

Submissions have to be anonymised to facilitate double blind review. Authors
should take care throughout their paper that their and their institution’s
identity is not revealed. However, relevant references to an author’s previous
research (which may be required for reviewers to understand and evaluate the
paper’s contribution) should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a
neutral way. Submissions should contain no information that will be proprietary
or confidential at the time of publication.

Submissions must not have been previously published or be under simultaneous
review for any other conference, journal, workshop or other publication with
an ISBN, ISSN, or DOI number.

Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2012 supplemental proceedings
only if one of the authors is registered for the conference and presents the
paper at the workshop. In addition, printed proceedings will be distributed to
the participants during the workshop. We plan to publish extended versions of
selected papers for an edited book or a special issue of a journal or magazine.


Paper Submission: June 15, 2012 (23:59 PDT)
Notification of Acceptance: June 29, 2012
Camera-ready due: July 6, 2012
Workshop: September 8, 2012

Andreas Bulling, University of Cambridge & Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Geert Brône, Lessius University College and University of Leuven, Belgium
Shiwei Cheng, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Päivi Majaranta, University of Tampere, Finland

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (confirmed, more to join)
Florian Alt, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Roman Bednarik, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Nikolaus Bee, BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany
Ralf Biedert, German Research Center for AI, Germany
Andrew Duchowski, Clemson University, USA
Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Dan Witzner Hansen, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Howell Istance, De Montfort University, United Kingdom
Walterio Mayol, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Bilge Mutlu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Yukiko Nakano, Seikei University, Japan
Thies Pfeiffer, Bielefeld University, Germany
Pernilla Qvarfordt, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, USA


E-Mail: petmei2012 at

ETRA 2012 is up and around the corner

This is exciting. The biennial Eye Tracking Research & Applications conference 2012 is approaching. Starting on March 28th, the ETRA 2012 is hosted at Santa Barbara, California, USA.

Chance brought it about that March will see me twice in California. First, there will be the IEEE Virtual Reality 2012, 3D User Interfaces and i3D conferences in Orange County starting from March 4th. Then I will soon return at the end of March for the ETRA 2012.

Sophie Stellmach and Kai Essig, two colleagues from Germany, will be there, too. And many others I still need to get to know.

Hope to see you as well,



2nd Call for Papers: EyeTrack Australia Conference 2012

Matt Eliot posted the 2nd Call for Papers on the Eye Movement Mailing List:

ETA2012: Inaugural EyeTrack Australia Conference
ETA2012 Symposium on EEG and Eye Movement Co-Registration

  • May 31st – June 1st 2012
  • CQUniversity Australia
  • Noosaville, QLD, Australia


EyeTrack Australia 2012 is the first Australasian conference devoted exclusively to cross-disciplinary eye movement research. By bringing together leading researchers from academia and industry, this conference will support collaboration and knowledge building both within the Australasian eye-tracking sector and the larger global community. The conference committee is pleased to announce that a number of national and international scholars using eye-tracking and user experience methodologies will present cutting edge keynote presentations.

Important Dates 2012

  • 1 March: Full Papers and Short Papers due
  • 1 March: Registration opens on conference website
  • 2 April: Notification of acceptance and feedback to authors
  • 30 May: Preconference Training with Objective Digital (Tobii)
  • 31 May: ETA2012
  • 1 June: ETA2012

Conference Theme

Innovation, Collaboration, and Application. Eye movement research is conducted in a variety of contexts, creating opportunities for cooperation and collaboration between scholars and researchers across disciplines and institutions. This mixture of methodologies, backgrounds, and technologies can create a strong potential for true innovation, true collaboration and quality application. Publications from this conference, and the conference itself, will serve as the initiator for an Australasia-wide network.

General Areas of Interest

  • Cooperation and Collaboration. Lessons learned in conducting eye movement research across multiple institutions, settings, and disciplines.
  • Technological Advances. Innovative uses of existing technology as well as pioneering implementation of new technology in a range of research contexts and disciplines.
  • Eye Tracking Methodologies, Methods, and Applications. Reports of research projects from a range of disciplines.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation. Key challenges and important discoveries in moving from raw data to findings.
  • Building and Maintaining Research Trajectories. Challenges and opportunities related to situating individual research efforts in a larger research context.

ETA2012 Symposium on EEG and Eye Movement Co-Registration

Significant progress has been made in overcoming many of the technical obstacles to simultaneously gathering brain-electrical (EEG) and eye movement (EM) data under free-viewing conditions. Much of the innovation has taken place in the reading area. Traditionally, EEG studies of reading have employed a rather restrictive paradigm in which words are presented serially in the same location on a screen and the reader is encouraged not to move their eyes. More recently, several research groups have managed to extract reliable event-related potentials time-locked to fixations in EEG-EM paradigms involving natural reading.

The aim of this symposium, part of the inaugural Australian eye tracking conference (ETA2012) organised by CQUniversity Australia, is to bring together researchers in the region who are working on EEG-EM co-registration. Submission topics are not restricted to the area of reading. The symposium will have as a guest speaker, Reinhold Kliegl from the University of Potsdam, who has worked extensively in reading research including EEG-EM co-registration. Additional contributions are now invited from other researchers working in the co-registration field.

This symposium is being chaired by Ronan Reilly, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney and Peter de Lissa, Centre for Cognitive Science, Macquarie
University. Dr. Reilly can be reached at:

The submission deadline is March 1st, 2012 and guidelines can be found at Contributors should indicate on their submission that it is for the EEG-EM symposium.

Pre-Conference Training

On May 30th, the day preceding the conference, conference attendees are invited to attend a separate training event with Objective Digital and an eye tracking expert from Tobii in Sweden. This will be an opportunity to further develop your knowledge and skills in the use of these technologies.


Authors are invited to submit original contributions in the Full Paper format (up to 12 pages) and Short Paper format (up to 4 pages). All papers will undergo a peer review process which will assess originality, quality, and relevance to eye movement research. Submission formats and instructions are available on the conference web site. All papers should be submitted using the conference format template and sent to:

Conference Venue

ETA 2012 will be held at the CQUniversity Australia campus in Noosaville, Queensland, on Australia’s Sunshine Coast.


This conference is co-sponsored by CQUniversity Australia and Objective Eye Tracking, which offers Tobiiproducts throughout Australasia.

Conference Website