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January 11, 2013
Call for Papers:
ACM CHI 2013 Workshop?
The first international workshop focusing on the design?
of seamless and convenient interaction techniques?
incorporating eye gaze in combination with other modalities.
Using our eyes for human-computer interaction is particularly appealing, because they provide a fast and natural input channel. Combining gaze with other input modalities in artificial as well as real environments is an exciting but also challenging avenue of research. Fostered by continuous advances in eye tracking technology, the question of how to apply gaze-supported interaction within diverse application areas remains open. Promising examples include natural interaction with everyday devices at home, the selection of distant targets on large displays, e.g., at work, and the adaptation of extensive information visualization to the user’s visual attention.
The goal of this one-day workshop at CHI 2013 is to build on the CHI 2012 SIGEYE meeting and to develop a better understanding of how different application areas can benefit from a combination of gaze input with other devices and sensors, and to discuss design of novel gaze-supported interaction techniques. We seek new concepts, prototypes, and insights as a basis for development of a deeper understanding of this emerging field. The workshop provides an open forum to share information, results and ideas on current research.?
The workshop looks for contributions on theoretical concepts, new applications, user studies, technological solutions, and computational methods to incorporate gaze with other input modalities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
– ?Gaze-supported interaction techniques for virtual environments, mixed or augmented reality, and the real world (including ubiquitous gaze interaction)
– ?Gaze-supported interaction with Post-WIMP UIs
– ?New application areas for gaze-based interaction
– ?Interaction with diverse output devices (e.g., large remote displays, tabletops, mobile screens, see-through glasses, car windshields, TV-sets, etc.)
– ?Gaze-supported remote communication and collaborative work
– ?Subtle gaze interaction as well as attentive and gaze-aware systems
– ?Perceptual computer graphics and attention-aware, adaptive user interfaces
– ?Assistive systems
– ?Gaze-directed information or scientific visualization
– ?Novel gaze-supported game mechanics
– ?Seamless technological integration of gaze data with other modalities
– ?Gaze tracking and computer vision solutions for several setups, including pervasive eye tracking
– ?Design guidelines, methods and models for gaze-supported interaction
– ?Artistic and unusual ways to utilize gaze
– ?Social and privacy implications of gaze interaction
Position papers (4 pages) and workshop papers (6 pages) will both be peer-viewed by at least two members of an international program committee. Workshop papers should contain research or design work within the scope of gaze-based interaction (see the list of topics below). Position papers should address the same topics, but may include preliminary results or conceptual ideas. All papers will be made available before the workshop. Submitted papers should be anonymized and prepared in the ACM HCI Extended Abstract Format.
Submission website:?https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sigeyechi13
Workshop website:?http://gaze-interaction.net/
Please note: All workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the main conference.
January ?11th, 2013 Deadline for paper submissions
February 8th, 2013 Notification of acceptance
February 20th, 2013 Deadline for camera-ready version
April ?27th, 2013 Workshop at CHI’13
Sophie Stellmach, Technische Universit?t Dresden, Germany
Raimund Dachselt, Technische Universit?t Dresden, Germany
Andrew T. Duchowski, Clemson University, USA
Veronica Sundstedt, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Andreas Bulling, University of Cambridge and Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Robert J.K. Jacob, Tufts University, USA