Call for Papers: ACM Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium 2018


The tenth ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA 2018) will be held in Warsaw, Poland June 14-17 2018. This will be the first time ETRA will be held in Europe and will introduce several innovations, such as co-located workshops, invited sessions, and a special journal issue based on selected invited papers. Join us in Warsaw to celebrate twenty years in eye tracking research at ETRA!

The ETRA conference series focuses on eye movement research and applications across a wide range of disciplines including computer science, human-computer interaction, visualization, biomedical research, and psychology. The symposium presents research that advances the state-of-the-art across multiple fields, leading to new capabilities in gaze tracking systems, gaze aware applications, gaze based interaction, and eye movement data analysis. We invite papers in all areas of eye tracking research and applications, and welcome submissions from all domains including those not represented in previous ETRA conferences.

ACM ETRA 2018 is co-sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), and the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH).


Papers & Notes
Jan 12, 2018 Authors: Paper Abstracts due
Jan 26, 2018 Authors: Papers & Notes due
Feb 21, 2018 Feedback: Reviews to authors
Mar 4, 2018 Authors: Rebuttals due
Mar 26, 2018 Feedback: Preliminary decisions to authors
Apr 13, 2018 Authors: Camera ready papers due
Apr 23, 2018 Feedback: Final notifications to authors

Demo/Video & Doctoral Symposium (Technical Abstracts)
Apr 2, 2018 Authors: Extended abstracts due
Apr 10, 2018 Feedback to authors
Apr 16, 2018 Authors: Camera ready abstracts due
Apr 23, 2018 Final notifications to authors

Journal Special Issue
Aug 1, 2018 Invitation to special issue to selected papers
Dec 1, 2018 Deadline for submission


Papers and Notes:
Authors are invited to submit original work in the formats of Papers (Up to 8 pages + 2 additional pages for references) and Notes (Up to 4 pages + 2 pages references). A Paper should provide substantial contribution to the field and a Note should provide focused and concise, yet significant contribution while not delving into broad discussion.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process assessing the originality and quality of the work as well as the relevance for eye tracking research and applications. Papers presented at ETRA 2018 will be available in the ACM digital library. Papers and Notes will be presented as oral and/or poster presentations at the conference. At least one author needs to attend the conference. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work for publication in a journal special issue.

ACM ETRA employs a two-phase review process with a rebuttal phase and conditional acceptance. Before the final decision, authors will have the opportunity to respond to reviews. Given the outcome of the review process, authors may be invited to resubmit a revised paper along with a rebuttal. In some cases, papers may be asked to be resubmitted in shortened form.

All papers and notes submissions must be appropriately anonymized to conceal the authors’ identifies and institutions. This means that authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper. Also, please make sure that identifying information does not appear in the document’s meta-data (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ dialog box). Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion. We do expect that authors leave in citations to their previous work, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account by the authors. Nonetheless, please avoid phrases such as “In this paper we build on top of our previous work presented in [reference]…” and, instead, use constructions such as “We extend the work presented in [reference]… “. Observe that you are allowed to extend anyone’s work, and only the first phrase reveals that you are the author of the previous work.

Companion Video: Both papers and notes can be submitted with a companion video. A video submission is not required, but encouraged to help clarify interaction with a gaze-based system, or give a better sense of particular gaze patterns which is not as easy to communicate with static images or textual descriptions. The aim of the video is to supplement the paper; acceptance to the conference will be based on the paper and not on the companion video. A submitted companion video cannot be larger than 100 MB. We recommend using MP4 format with H.264 codec. Most video production systems can encode in this format and most video applications are able to play it. If you use a different codec, you risk that reviewers might not be able to view the video clip and you will need to re-encode the video clip for the conference proceeding disc. As for the paper submission, the companion video needs to be blinded for peer review.

Doctoral Symposium:
ETRA 2018 will offer an ETRA Doctoral Symposium, where doctoral students will get an opportunity to meet other students and experienced researchers for feedback. We invite abstracts from doctoral students who have a defined topic in the area of eye tracking research and applications, and whose work is still in a phase where it can be influenced by the feedback received in the symposium. Participants will be selected based on a 2-page extended abstract describing the thesis work and its current status. Travel assistance through SIGCHI Student Travel Grants is available and/or volunteering work may be offered. Please refer to the long call for submissions for detailed information on the ETRA doctoral symposium.

Demo/video track:
Have a gaze interaction technique to share? Or want to show off how your new eye tracking method works? At ETRA 2018, we will have a demo/video session where researchers give demonstrations of their research or show videos of their work. We encourage new and exciting ideas that may not yet be fully tested. To take part in this session, we request a 2-page extended abstract to be submitted. If authors have a full or short paper accepted, no extended abstract is needed. If submitting a video presentation, the video is required. For demos, space will be provided for a poster display. Please refer to the long call for submissions for detailed information on the ETRA demo/video track.

Tutorials ETRA 2018:
Tutorials were introduced at ETRA 2016. ETRA 2018 will include a number of half-day or full-day tutorials, where experts in the field cover a topic related to eye movement or eye tracking research within the general theme of the conference. To align the topics with the interests of ETRA participants, we now welcome suggestions of both topics and teachers.
Please enter your suggestions through our online form at, before October 1, 2017.

(for Papers & Notes and Demo/Video Tracks)

Submissions for Papers, Notes, and Demo/Video tracks will be done online as a PDF file through the Precision Conference system at

Submissions open in November 2017.

Your submissions should be prepared following the instructions found at

(for Doctoral Symposium)

Abstracts and accompanying documents (see longer call on ETRA website) for the 2018 ETRA Doctoral Symposium should be submitted by email to
Please use the subject line "ETRA 2018 Doctoral Symposium Submission."


Best Paper Awards
Awards will be made for the best papers in several categories including papers, notes, and video/tool demo.

Program Chairs
Roman Bednarik, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Frederick Shic, Seattle Children’s Research Institute/University of Washington, USA

Video/Demo Chairs
Tanja Blascheck, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Rakshit Kothari, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Reynold Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Hana Vrzakova, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

For more details visit:

Krzysztof Krejtz & Bonita Sharif
(ACM ETRA 2018 General Chairs)

dr Krzysztof Krejtz

Eye Tracking Research Center, Psychology Department,
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Warsaw, Poland

Call for Papers: T4S 2018 – 3rd International Workshop on Eye Tracking for Spatial Research

First Call for Papers

ET4S 2018 – 3rd International Workshop on Eye Tracking for Spatial Research

January 14, 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2018) 

Eye tracking has become a popular method for investigating research questions related to geographic information science. This includes studies on how people interact with geographic information systems, studies on how space is perceived in decision situations, and using gaze as an input mode for geographic human-computer interaction. The International Workshop on Eye Tracking for Spatial Research (ET4S) aims to bring together researchers from different areas who have a common interest in using eye tracking for research questions related to spatial information. The workshop should stimulate the exchange of ideas between the different areas, laying out a road-map for using eye tracking for spatial research.

After two successful ET4S workshops at COSIT'13 and GIScience'14, which also led to a successful double special issue in the Journal Spatial Cognition & Computation (vol. 17, issue 1-2), the 3rd edition of ET4S will be co-located with the 14th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2018).

The focus theme of ET4S 2018 will be Location Based Services. This includes, e.g., studies on how people interact with LBS, as well as using gaze and eye movements as input method or contextual information in an LBS. Knowledge of how people interact with their surrounding environment and the information provided by LBS can help us, for instance, to design better systems and representations of such information, providing more accurate and personalized assistance. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to 

-	Usability Analysis of LBS with Eye Tracking
-	Gaze-Aware Mobile Assistance
-	Navigation Studies and Eye Tracking
-	Gaze-Based Interaction with Visuo-Spatial Representations and Maps
-	Evaluation of Cartographic and other Spatial Visualizations with Eye Tracking
-	Visual Perception and Exploration of (Indoor and Outdoor) Space
-	Eye Tracking as a Tool for Spatial Cognition Research
-	Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Visualization of Eye Tracking Data
-	Eye Tracking in Traffic Research, Car Navigation, and Public Transport

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors should submit work in progress, position papers or vision statements with a length of 2-6 pages. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. Furthermore, we encourage submissions of demo cases of working prototypes that have to be accompanied by a short abstract (1 page) clearly describing the novelty and distinguishing ideas of your project.

All accepted papers will be included in the online proceedings (e-collection of the ETH Zurich Library, with DOI). 

Submissions should be prepared according to the LBS 2018 template and submitted through Easychair. Templates and submission website to be found at 

Important Dates

September 27, 2017		Paper submission
November 1, 2017		Notification of paper acceptance
November 8, 2017		Demo submission
November 15, 2017		Notification of demo acceptance
November 15, 2017		Camera-ready due
January 14, 2018		Workshop

Program Committee

-	Gennady Andrienko, Fraunhofer Institute IAIS & City University London
-	Christina Bauer, University of Regensburg
-	Michael Burch, University of Stuttgart
-	Arzu Cöltekin, University of Zurich
-	Florian Daiber, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
-	Sara Fabrikant, University of Zurich
-	Haosheng Huang, University of Zurich
-	Mohamed Khamis, University of Munich
-	Christian Kray, University of Münster
-	Krzysztof Krejtz, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
-	Bernd Ludwig, University of Regensburg
-	Kristien Ooms, Ghent University
-	Sophie Stellmach, Microsoft
-	Rul von Stülpnagel, University of Freiburg

Invited Speaker
-	Roman Bednarik, University of Eastern Finland

-	Peter Kiefer, ETH Zürich
-	Ioannis Giannopoulos, ETH Zürich
-	Fabian Göbel, ETH Zürich
-	Martin Raubal, ETH Zürich
-	Andrew T. Duchowski, Clemson University

Sponsor of ET4S 2018: Ergoneers (


Call for Papers: European Conference on Eye Movements 2017

Markus Hofmann has posted the following call for papers:

Conference information.
The 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM 2017, will take place from Sunday, August 20th (afternoon), to Thursday, August 24th, in Wuppertal, Germany.
Over its more than three decade long history, ECEM has grown to become the largest scientific meeting on eye movement research worldwide. The conference brings together a vibrant community of researchers working towards a better understanding of eye movements, while also using them as a tool to study a wide range of topics in neuroscience, cognitive science and various fields of application.
Our goal is to promote communication and cooperation between participants from diverse areas such as neurophysiology, psychology, medical sciences, linguistics, computer science, human factors and many others. An important feature of ECEM is the presentation of state of the art equipment and software by manufacturers of eye movement recording systems.

Submission of contributions.
The conference website is now operational at <>.
Submissions can be made in three formats: talks in regular sessions, posters or contributions to symposia. All contributions to ECEM 2017 will be submitted through the ConfTool system. Please refer to the detailed information on the conference website.
Talks in regular conference sessions should present high quality, original, empirical research. Any work related to the study of eye movements and eye tracking from a neurobiological, psychological, clinical, computational or applied perspective can be submitted as an oral presentation. Each talk will be 20 min (15 min + 5 min discussion).
Posters are interactive presentations reporting empirical research on the same level of quality as oral presentations. The advantage of a poster presentation is the opportunity to engage in detailed individual discussions while presenting a project. We specifically encourage young researchers and students to submit their ongoing work in this format.
Symposia are thematic session on a topic that is likely to reflect significant progress and spark significant scientific debate. Preference will be given to symposia providing diverse theoretical and empirical approaches to issues that appear relevant to more than one field of eye movement research. Symposia can include up to six talks of 20 min each (15 min + 5 min discussion), all presenting original data, or five talks plus one concluding discussion.
Note that symposium participants should come from at least three different institutions. In addition to individual abstracts for each talk, a symposium chair will need to submit a 200 to 500 word proposal stating how the individual talks are related and explaining the benefit of a joint presentation. A limited number of symposia may be published as specials issues in the Journal of Eye Movement Research.
Decisions on the acceptance of contributions will be made on the basis of peer reviewing by a program committee led by Heiner Deubel. Members of this committee are Susana Martinez-Conde, Ulrich Ettinger, Stefan Everling and Antje Nuthmann.

Invited talks
We are especially pleased that an excellent group of researchers has agreed to give invited lectures at ECEM 2017:
Ben Tatler (University of Aberdeen, Scotland) <>
Marisa Carrasco, (New York University, New York USA) <>
Debra Titone (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) <>
Karl Gegenfurtner (Giessen University, Germany) <>
James Bisley, (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA) <>
Laure Pisella (CRNL, Lyon and INSERM, Paris, France) <>

Important dates
Submission for symposia and papers opened
Deadline for submission of symposia January 20, 2017
Notification of acceptance for symposia February 28, 2017
Deadline for submission of papers March 12, 2017
Notification of acceptance for papers April 30, 2017
Registration opens April 1, 2017
Deadline for early registration June 1, 2017

Pre-conference workshops
The conference organizers are working with Kenneth Holmqvist (Lund University) to prepare a number of pre-conference workshops focusing on innovative methodological approaches to eye movement research. Details will be communicated shortly in a separate mailing.

Conference venue and accommodation
The city of Wuppertal is located in western Germany, very close to Cologne and Düsseldorf. There is ample opportunity for touristic traveling, with local attractions ranging from beer gardens in the old town, world famous music and dance theaters, all the way to medieval castles and long hiking trails in unspoiled nature. The romantic Rhine valley is just a short drive away.
The local organizing team has secured a large block of hotel rooms at special rates for the conference. Specific information will be made available on the website in March 2017. In general, lodging in the area is moderately priced, but accommodation can become limited in the high summer season. We advise early hotel reservation.

Publication of abstracts
All abstract of accepted conference presentations will be published as special issue in the Journal of Eye Movement Research (Editor: Rudolf Groner, Bern). See here for the abstracts of ECEM 2015: <>.

Please feel free to distribute and forward this information to your colleagues. Send any queries, concerns, suggestions and other communication to: <>.
We look forward to welcoming you in Wuppertal. On behalf of all involved in ECEM 2017: Ralph Radach (conference chair), Heiner Deubel (co-chair and head of the program committee), Christian Vorstius and Markus Hofmann (heads of the local organizing committee).

Dr. Markus J. Hofmann, Akademischer Rat
Allgemeine und Biologische Psychologie
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 20, 42119 Wuppertal
Raum: Z.01.06
Tel: +49 (0)202 439 2340
Fax: +49 (0)202 4392926

Call for Papers: Eye Movement Data Processing and Analysis

Pawel Kasprowski sent the following call for papers, which I happily redistribute:

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I would like to encourage you to submit papers concerning
eye movement analysis to our

*Eye Movement Data Processing and Analysis*

session organized during the

9th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies
Vilamoura, Portugal, 21-23 June 2017

Please consider to contribute to and forward to your colleagues who might
be interested in submitting contribution to the above mentioned event.

The aim of the event is to summarize the current state of the art
in the eye movement data analysis and enable prospective researchers
to present their new ideas concerning this subject.

The scope of the EMDPA includes, but is not limited to:

– Collecting eye movement data
– Data precision and accuracy
– Calibration of eye movement data signal
– Events detection (fixations and saccades)
– Gaze-based user interfaces
– Eye movement modelling
– Eye movement signal visualization
– Data mining of eye movement signal
– Improving man machine interactions for people with disabilities
– Eye movement applications in testing interface usability
– Eye movement in security systems
– Usage of eye movement signal in cognitive processes

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters
in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series,
submitted for indexing in Scopus, Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings
Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science.

Important Dates:
Submission of papers: 15 January 2017
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2017
Final versions: 10 March 2017
Conference: 21-23 June 2017

All other details:

Kind Regards,
Pawel Kasprowski, PhD
Institute of Informatics (
Silesian University of Technology
ul.Akademicka 16
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
tel. +48-32-237-13-39
mob. +48-601-411-611

Workshop “Inferring user action with mobile gaze tracking”

Call for papers for the workshop “Inferring user action with mobile gaze tracking”

Scope of the workshop

Gaze tracking in psychological, cognitive, and user interaction studies has recently evolved toward mobile solutions, as they make it possible to directly assess users’ visual attention in natural environments. In addition to attention, gaze can provide information about users’ action and intention: what the user is doing and what will she do next. Gaze behavior in natural, unstructured task environments is quite complex and cannot be satisfactorily explained using “simple” behavioral models that are induced with typical stimulus-response testing in controlled laboratory environments. To evolve the inference of gaze-action behavior in natural environments, a more holistic approach bringing together a number of disciplines from cognitive sciences to machine learning is needed.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together a cross-domain group of individuals to (i) discuss and contribute to the problem of using mobile gaze tracking for inferring user action, (ii) advance the sharing of data and analysis algorithms as well as device solutions, and (iii) increase understanding of behavioral aspects of gaze-action sequences. The workshop proposes an interdisciplinary gathering for recognizing potential synergies, mapping solved and unsolved problems, and creating a research roadmap for the future applying the strengths of each contributing field.

Topic of interest

We seek papers related, but not limited, to the following topics:

  • Cognitive aspects of mobile gaze tracking
  • Computational methods to infer user action from gaze data
  • Technical solutions for mobile gaze tracking
  • Applications and potential use of gaze data

Important dates

  • Submission Deadline: May 27th 2016, 5pm PST
  • Notifications Sent: June 10th 2016
  • Camera-ready submissions: June 29th 2016
  • Workshop day: September 6th 2016

Other information

The workshop wil be held in conjunction with the MobileHCI 2016 conference (, to be held in Florence (Tuscany), Italy, September 6th – 9th, 2016. The instructions for submitting the papers can be found at The papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. At least one author of accepted papers needs to register for the workshop and for the conference itself. Accepted workshop papers will be included in the MobileHCI 2016 Adjunct Proceedings.


Call for Papers – ECCV Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics (ACVR) 2016

CFP – Apologies for multiple copies
ECCV International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics (ACVR) 2016
Amsterdam, The Netherlands – One day among 8-9-16 October 2016
In conjunction with ECCV 2016



Full Paper Submission: June 20th 2016
Notification of Acceptance: July 20th 2016
Camera-Ready Paper Due: July 25th 2016


In the last decades there has been a tremendous increase in demand for assistive technologies useful to overcome functional limitations of individuals and to improve their quality of life. Novel tools have been successfully commercialised bringing the Computer Vision and Robotics research from theory to applications and then to market (e.g., OrCam, Jibo, etc).

Assistive technologies provide a set of advanced tools that can improve the quality of life not only for disabled, patients and elderly but also for healthy people struggling with everyday actions (e.g., for stress monitoring). After a period of slow but steady progress, this scientific area seems to be mature for new research and application breakthroughs.

The rapid progress in the development of integrated micro-mechatronic and computer vision tools has boosted this process. The interest in this applied field is increasing due to the possibility to exploit advanced technologies coming from the results for traditional problems in Computer Vision (such as face analysis, tracking, detection and recognition, human behaviors analysis). However, many problems remain still open especially as regards environment perception and interaction of these technological tools with people.

The main scope of ACVR 2016 is to bring together researchers from the diverse fields of engineering, computer science, social and bio-medical science who investigate in the context of Computer Vision and Robotics to discuss the current and next generation of Assistive Technologies.

The researchers will present their latest progress and discuss novel ideas in the field. Besides the technologies used, emphasis will be given to the precise problem definition, the available benchmark databases, the need of evaluation protocols and procedures in the context of Assistive Technologies.

Papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following TOPICS:

* Augmented and Alternative Communication
* Human – Robot Interaction
* Mobility Aids
* Rehabilitation Aids
* Home Healthcare
* Technology for Cognition
* Automatic Emotional Hearing and Understanding
* Activity Monitoring Systems
* Manipulation Aids
* Scene Understanding
* Life-logging
* Visual Attention and Visual Saliency
* Smart Environments
* Safety and Security
* Ambient Assistive Living
* Quality of Life Technologies
* Navigation Systems
* Sensory Substitution
* Mobile and Wearable Systems
* Applications for the Visually Impaired
* Sign language recognition and applications for hearing impaired
* Applications for the Ageing Society
* Datasets and Evaluation Procedures
* Personalised Monitoring
* Video summarization
* Egocentric and First-Person Vision
* Applications to improve health and wellbeing of children and elderly
* Food Understanding


Barbara Caputo, University of Rome La Sapienza, IT
Home Page:
Talk Title: Life long learning in computer and robot vision

Devi Parikh, Virginia Tech, US
Home Page:
Talk Title: Visual Question Answering


All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference’s CMT Website (link will be provided soon).

The format for paper submission is the same as the ECCV main conference. The paper length should match that intended for final publication. Papers are limited to 14 pages, including figures and tables. One additional page containing only cited references is allowed.

See template at the following link:

ACVR reviewing will be double-blind. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers for originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance and technical contents.

Papers that are not blind, or do not use the template, or have more than 14 pages (excluding references) will be rejected without review.

Submission Deadline: June 20th 2016


The authors of the accepted papers could be invited to submit an extended version (at least 40+% different than the workshop versions) of their papers to a Journal Special Issue (with open call and peer review). More information will be soon available.


Giovanni Maria Farinella, University of Catania, IT

Marco Leo, CNR-Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems, IT

Gerard G. Medioni, University of Southern California, US

Mohan Trivedi, University of California San Diego, US


GIRPR – Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori in Pattern Recognition



Toshiba Research Europe Ltd



Eye Tracking South Africa (ETSA) 2015

T.R. Beelders posted this call for papers:

Eye Tracking South Africa (ETSA) 2015 Call for papers

The second International Eye Tracking South Africa Conference (ETSA) will be held in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, in South Africa from 7-9 October 2015. The conference will include poster sessions, presentations of short papers (3-4 pages) and full papers (8-10 pages). It will be organised around several tracks and sessions to accommodate delegates with various interests. Besides the academic presentations, we also welcome industry to present their products and services in non-academic workshops and demonstrations. In this context “industry” does not refer to manufacturers of eye trackers only but also to users thereof, for example market researchers, usability analysts, graphic designers, educators, radiographers, occupational and speech therapists, people with physical disabilities, cognitive psychologists, neurologists,
ophthalmologists, etc. We therefore invite the submission of case studies and proposals in these areas.

ETSA 2015 has been approved for in-cooperation with SIGCHI.

Key note speakers
Three distinguished keynote speakers will share their expertise and knowledge with us. Prof Juan Bornman, Prof Kenneth Holmqvist and Mr Michael Schießl will each be delivering a keynote address. Please see our website ( for more details.

Submissions: Academic
Authors are invited to submit original research papers related to eye movement and the application thereof. Conference tracks will include but are not limited to the following topics:
· Usability
· Visualisation
· Gaze interaction
· Reading research
· Eye Control for people with disabilities
· Visual attention
· Systems, tools and methods
· Eye movements
· Technical aspects of eye tracking e.g. pupil detection, calibration, mapping, event detection, data quality, etc.

Each paper will be anonymously reviewed by at least three reviewers. The program committee will consider the following criteria when evaluating submitted papers: originality of contribution, relevance to the conference, technical/scientific merit, and presentation and clarity.
Submissions: Special Interest/ Case Study Sessions for Practitioners and Industry
ETSA 2015 invites practitioners from any related discipline (Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Ophthalmology etc.) to present case study based sessions on their use of eye tracking with patients/clients. These need not represent formal research, and should be submitted in the format of a short paper under the Special Interest category. Submissions should describe the case study and the findings
which will be presented.
Additionally, industry is invited to submit in this category for consideration of non-academic workshops or demonstrations. These submissions should be in the form of a proposal for the envisaged workshop, detailing the contents of the workshop or demonstration and how it will be presented.
Please download the complete call for papers from
ETSA 2015 Organising Committee


Conference: 5th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2015)

Where: September 7, 2015 in Osaka, Japan

in conjunction with the
2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015)

Eye tracking technology is becoming increasingly available for mobile and pervasive settings. The availability of eye tracking beyond the desktop calls for new interaction concepts, novel applications, and an understanding of the broader implications of pervasive eye tracking on humans. PETMEI 2015 focuses on pervasive eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction. The goal of the workshop is to bring together members in the ubiquitous computing, context-aware computing, computer vision, machine learning and eye tracking community to exchange ideas and to discuss different techniques and applications for pervasive eye tracking.

PETMEI 2015 will be a one-day workshop featuring presentations, interactive demos, and group discussions. We solicit papers describing original research related to, or visionary of, pervasive eye tracking research addressing computational methods, new applications and use cases, as well as technology for pervasive eye tracking and mobile eye-based interaction.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Tools for face, eye, and pupil detection as well as tracking
– Devices for wearable and ambient eye tracking
– Eye tracking technologies on mobile devices
– Head-mounted or remote gaze estimation
– Gaze and eye movement analysis methods
– Fusion of gaze with other modalities
– Integration of pervasive eye tracking and context-aware computing
– User studies on pervasive eye tracking

– Pervasive eye-based interaction
– Mobile attentive user interfaces
– Eye-based activity and context recognition
– Security and privacy for pervasive eye-tracking systems
– Eye tracking for specialized application areas
– Cognition-aware systems and user interfaces
– Human factors in mobile eye-based interaction
– Eye tracking for pervasive displays
– Gaze-based interaction with outdoor spaces

Submission Guidelines

We accept submissions with a length of between 6 and 10 pages in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format. Refer to the workshop website for Word and Latex templates ( In addition to research papers we explicitly invite submissions of position papers and papers that describe work-in-progress. Submissions will be peer-viewed by at least two members of the technical program committee with respect to novelty, significance, technical quality, and their potential to spark interesting discussions. Please note that all submissions must be anonymized for double-blind review.

Accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2015 supplemental proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author for each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper.

Submit your paper via EasyChair:
Important Dates
– June 5, 2015 Paper submission
– July 3, 2015 Notification of acceptance
– July 10, 2015 Camera-ready due
– September 7, 2015 Workshop

– Peter Kiefer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
– Yanxia Zhang, Lancaster University, U.K.
– Andreas Bulling, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
